Jacinda - Functional Stream Processing Language

Vanessa McHale


Jacinda is well-suited to processing the output of Unix tools: regular expressions scan for relevant output and one can split on separators.

There is additionally support for filters, maps and folds that are familiar to functional programmers.


Patterns + Implicits, Streams

In Jacinda, one writes a pattern and an expression defined on matching lines, viz.

{% <pattern>}{<expr>}

This defines a stream of expressions.

One can search a file for all occurrences of a string:

ja '{% /Bloom/}{`0}' -i ulysses.txt

`0 here functions like $0 in AWK: it means the whole line. So this would print all lines that match the pattern Bloom.

We could imitate fd with, say:

ls -1 -R | ja '{% /\.hs$/}{`0}'

This would print all Haskell source files in the current directory.

There is another form,


where the initial expression is of boolean type, possibly involving the line context. An example:


This defines a stream of lines that are more than 110 bytes (# is ‘tally’, it returns the length of a string).

There is also a syntax that defines a stream on all lines,


So {| `0 } would define a stream of text corresponding to the lines in the file.


To count lines with the word “Bloom”:

ja '(+)|0 {% /Bloom/}{1}' -i ulysses.txt

Note the fold, |. It is a ternary operator taking (+), 0, and {%/Bloom/}{1} as arguments. The general syntax is:

<expr>|<expr> <expr>

It takes a binary operator, a seed, and a stream and returns an expression.

There is also |>, which folds without a seed.

Custom Field Separators

Like AWK, Jacinda allows us to define custom field separators:

printenv | ja -F= '{% /^PATH/}{`2}'

This splits on = and matches lines beginning with PATH, returning the second field—in this case, the value of PATH.


Suppose we wish to count the lines in a file.

(+)|0 {|1}

This uses aforementioned {|<expr>} syntax. It this defines a stream of 1s for each line, and takes its sum.

We could also do the following:

(+)|0 [:1"$0

$0 is the stream of all lines. [: is the constant operator, a -> b -> a, so [:1 sends anything to 1.

" maps over a stream. So the above maps 1 over every line and takes the sum.


We could abstract away sum in the above example like so:

let val
  sum := [(+)|0 x]
in sum {% /Bloom/}{1} end

In Jacinda, one can define functions with a dfn syntax in, like in APL. We do not need to bind x; the variables x and y are implicit. Since [(+)|0 x] only mentions x, it is treated as a unary function.

Note also that := is used for definition. The general syntax is

let (val <name> := <expr>)* in <expr> end


There is syntactical support for lambdas;

\x. (+)|0 x

would be equivalent to [(+)|0 x].


The syntax is:

, <expr> <expr> <expr>

One could (for instance) calculate population density:

, (%) $5: $6:

The postfix : parses the column based on inferred type; here it parses as a float.


The syntax is:

<expr> ^ <expr> <expr>

Scans are like folds, except that the intermediate value is tracked at each step. One could define a stream containing line numbers for a file with:

(+)^0 [:1"$0

(this is the same as {|ix})


Jacinda has a binary operator, \., like q’s each prior or J’s dyadic infix. One could write:

succDiff := [(-) \. x]

to track successive differences.


Jacinda allows partially applied (curried) functions; one could write

succDiff := ((-)\.)


Jacinda has stream deduplication built in with the ~. operator.


This is far better than sort | uniq as it preserves order; it is equivalent to !a[$0]++ in AWK.


We can filter an extant stream with #., viz.

(>110) #. $1:i

#. takes as its left argument a unary function returning a boolean.

[#x>110] #. $0

would filter to those lines >110 bytes wide.

Formatting Output

One can format output with sprintf, which works like printf in AWK or C.

As an example,

{|sprintf '%i: %s' (ix.`0)}

would display a file annotated with line numbers. Note the atypical syntax for tuples, we use . as a separator rather than ,.


There is a syntax for functions:

fn sum(x) :=
  (+)|0 x;

fn drop(n, str) :=
  let val l := #str
    in substr str n l end;

Note the := and also the semicolon at the end of the expression that is the function body.

Since Jacinda has support for higher-order functions, one could write:

fn any(p, xs) :=
  (||)|#f p"xs;

fn all(p, xs) :=
  (&)|#t p"xs;

File Includes

One can @include files.

As an example, one could write:


fn path(x) :=
  intercalate '\n' (splitc x ':');


intercalate is defined in lib/string.jac.

In-Place File Modification

We could trim whitespace from lines with:

(sub1 /\s+$/ ⍬)"$0

sub1 is like AWK’s sub and only substitutes the first occurrence. is zilde, and can be used to represent an empty string or vector.

Jacinda does not modify files in-place so one would need to use sponge, viz.

ja '(sub1 /\s+$/ ⍬)¨$0' -i FILE | sponge FILE


or := [(||)|#f x]

and := [(&)|#t x]

count := [(+)|0 [:1"x]

#t and #f are boolean literals.

System Interaction

Jacinda ignores any line beginning with #!, thus one could write a script like so:

#!/usr/bin/env -S ja run

fn path(x) :=
  ([x+'\n'+y])|> (splitc x ':');



Vim Tags

Suppose we wish to generate vim tag files for our Jacinda programs. According to :help tags-file-format the desired format is

{tagname}       {TAB} {tagfile} {TAB} {tagaddress}

where {tagaddress} is an ex command. In fact, addresses defined by regular expressions are preferable as they become outdated less quickly.

As an example, suppose we have the function declaration

fn sum(x) :=
  (+)|0 x;

Then we need to extract sum and give a regex that points to where it is defined.

To do so:

fn mkEx(s) :=
  '/^' + s + '$/;';

fn processStr(s) :=
    val line := split s /[ \(]+/
    val outLine := sprintf '%s\t%s\t%s' (line.2 . fp . mkEx s)
  in outLine end;

processStr"{%/fn +[[:lower:]][[:latin:]]*.*:=/}{`0}

Note the builtin split; according to the manpages it has type

split : Str -> Regex -> List Str

.2 is the syntax for accessing a list - line.2 extracts the second element.

Error Span

Suppose we wish to extract span information from compiler output for editor integration. Vim ships with a similar script, mve.awk, to present column information in a suitable format.

src/Jacinda/Backend/TreeWalk.hs:319:58: error:
    • The constructor ‘TyArr’ should have 3 arguments, but has been given 4
    • In the pattern:
        TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ (TyApp _ (TyB _ TyStream) _)) _
      In the pattern:
        TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ (TyApp _ (TyB _ TyStream) _)) _)
      In the pattern:
        TBuiltin (TyArr _ _
                        (TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ (TyApp _ (TyB _ TyStream) _)) _))
319 | eWith re i (EApp _ (EApp _ (EApp _ (TBuiltin (TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ _ (TyArr _ (TyApp _ (TyB _ TyStream) _)) _)) Fold) op) seed) stream) = foldWithCtx re i op seed stream
    |                                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

To get what we want, we use match, which returns indices that match a regex - in our case, /\^+/, which spans the error location.

From the manpages, we see it has type

match : Str -> Regex -> Option (Int . Int)
:set fs:=/\|/;

fn printSpan(str) :=
  (sprintf '%i-%i')"(match str /\^+/);

printSpan:?{% /\|/}{`2}

Our program uses | as a field separator, thus `2 will present us with:


which is exactly the relevant bit.

First, note that " is used to map (sprintf '%i-%i') over (match ...). This works because match returns an Option, which is a functor. The builtin :? is mapMaybe. Thus, we define a stream

printSpan:?{% /\|/}{`2}

which only collects when printSpan returns a Some.

Unix Command-Line Tools

To get a flavor of Jacinda, see how it can be used in place of familiar tools:


To count lines:

(+)|0 [:1"$0


[y]|0 {|ix}

To count bytes in a file:

(+)|0 [#x+1]"$0


(+)|0 {|#`0+1}

To emulate head -n60, for instance:



fn fileName(x) :=
  x ~* 2 /([^\/]*\/)*(.*)/;

will remove the directory part of a filename.


We can present the PATH with

echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n'

To do so in Jacinda, we use : as field separator, viz.

echo $PATH | ja -F: "{|[x+'\n'+y]|>\`$}"

`$ is all fields in a line, as a list.


fn step(acc, this) :=
  if this = acc->1
    then (this . None)
    else (this . Some this);

(->2):?step^(''.None) $0

This tracks the previous line in a state and only adds the current line to the stream if it is different.


We can emulate nl -b a with:

{|sprintf '    %i  %s' (ix.`0)}

To count only non-blank lines:

fn empty(str) :=
  #str = 0;

fn step(acc, line) :=
  if empty line
    then (acc->1 . '')
    else (acc->1 + 1 . line);

fn process(x) :=
  if !empty (x->2)
    then sprintf '    %i\t%s' x
    else '';

process"step^(0 . '') $0

We could write process as

fn process(x) :=
  ?!empty (x->2); sprintf '    %i\t%s' x; '';

using the laconic syntax for conditionals, ?<bool>;<expr>;<expr>

Data Processing

CSV Processing

We can convert .csv data to use ASCII separators with the aid of csvkit, viz.

csvformat -D$'\x1f' -M$'\x1e' file.csv | ja --asv '$1'

For “well-behaved” csv data, we can simply split on ,:

ja -F, '$1'

Vaccine Effectiveness

As an example, NYC publishes weighted data on vaccine breakthroughs.

We can download it:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nychealth/coronavirus-data/master/latest/now-weekly-breakthrough.csv -o /tmp/now-weekly-breakthrough.csv

And then process its columns with ja

ja ',[1.0-x%y] {ix>1}{`5:} {ix>1}{`11:}' -F, -i /tmp/now-weekly-breakthrough.csv

As of writing:


This extracts the 5th and 11th columns (discarding headers), and then computes effectiveness.


We start with New Zealand’s food price index:

curl -O https://www.stats.govt.nz/assets/Uploads/Food-price-index/Food-price-index-September-2023/Download-data/food-price-index-september-2023-weighted-average-prices.csv

This data is not “well-behaved” so we convert to ASV:

csvformat -D$'\x1f' -M$'\x1e' food-price-index-september-2023-weighted-average-prices.csv | ja --asv '(%)\. {%/Apple/}{`3:}'



Under the hood, Jacinda has typeclasses, inspired by Haskell. These are used to disambiguate operators and witness with an implementation.

The language does not allow custom typeclasses.


The map operator " works on all functors, not just streams. Stream, List, and Option are instances.


The IsPrintf typeclass is used to type sprintf; strings, integers, floats, booleans, and tuples of such are members.

sprintf '%i' 3


sprintf '%s-%i' ('str' . 2)

are both valid.

Row Types

The ->n accessors work on all applicable tuples, so




are both valid.



will be caught during typechecking.