Kempe Compiler & Language Manual

Vanessa McHale


Kempe is a stack-based language, and kc is a toy compiler for x86_64 and aarch64.

Installing kc

First, install cabal and GHC. Then:

cabal install kempe

This provides kc, the Kempe compiler.

kc requires NASM when targeting x86_64.

Editor Integration

A vim plugin is available.

To install with vim-plug:

Plug 'vmchale/kempe' , { 'rtp' : 'vim' }

Kempe Language


Kempe has a stack-based type system. So if you see a type signature:

next : Word -- Word Word

that means that the stack must have a Word on it for next to be invoked, and that it will have two Words on the stack after it is invoked.


Kempe allows polymorphic functions. So we can define:

id : a -- a
   =: [ ]


Integer literals have type -- Int.

Positive literals followed by a u have type -- Word, e.g. 1u.

Negative integer literals are indicated by an underscore, _, i.e. _1 has type -- Int.


The Kempe compiler has a few builtin functions that you can use for arithmetic and for shuffling data around. Many of them are familiar to stack-based programmers:

For arithmetic:

% is like Haskell’s rem and / is like Haskell’s quot. >>, <<, >>~, and <<~ are like Haskell’s rotate; i.e. they are logical shifts (not arithmetic shifts).

There is one higher-order construct, dip, which we illustrate by example:

nip : a b -- b
    =: [ dip(drop) ]

If Blocks

If-blocks are atoms which contain two blocks of atoms on each arm. If the next item on the stack is True, the first will be executed, otherwise the second.

loop : Int Int -- Int
     =: [ swap dup 0 =
          if( drop
            , dup 1 - dip(*) swap loop )

fac_tailrec : Int -- Int
            =: [ 1 loop ]

Sum Types

Kempe supports sum types, for instance:

type Maybe a { Just a | Nothing }

Note that empty sum types such as

type Void {}

are not really supported.

Pattern Matching

Sum types are taken apart with pattern matching, viz.

isJust : (Maybe a) -- Bool
       =: [
    { case
        | Just -> drop True
        | Nothing -> False

Note that pattern matches in Kempe must be exhaustive.


Kempe has rudimentary imports. As an example:

import "prelude/fn.kmp"

type Pair a b { Pair a b }


snd : ((Pair a) b) -- b
    =: [ unPair nip ]

where prelude/fn.kmp contains


nip : a b -- b
    =: [ dip(drop) ]


The import system is sort of defective.


Kempe can call into C functions. Suppose we have

int rand(void);

Then we can declare this as:

rand : -- Int
     =: $cfun"rand"

And rand will be available as a Kempe function.


kc optimizes tail recursion.


Kempe is missing a good many features, such as:

Programming in Kempe

Invoking the Compiler

kc cannot be used to produce executables. Rather, the Kempe compiler will produce .o files which contain functions.

Kempe functions can be exported with a C ABI:

fac : Int -- Int
    =: [ dup 0 =
         if( drop 1
           , dup 1 - fac * )

%foreign cabi fac

This would be called with a C wrapper like so:

#include <stdio.h>

extern int fac(int);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("%d", fac(3));

The C ABI should work on Unix; it does not target Windows.

There is also an alternate ABI, armabi, which takes a stack (to be used as the Kempe data stack) as the first argument. One would use it like so:

%foreign armabi fac
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern int fact(void*, int);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    void* kptr = malloc(32 * 1024);
    printf("%d", fac(kptr, 3));

Unlike the frontend and type checker, the backend is dodgy.

Generating C Headers

kc has the cdecl subcommand, which generates headers from exported Kempe functions.

For the above example, one would get

extern int fac(int);

for cabi and

extern int fac(void*, int);

for armabi.


kc is a cross-compiler; the target architecture can be set by passing one of x64 or aarch64 to --arch. By default kc targets the architecture of the host machine.

You will need the appropriate assembler installed.


Kempe maintains its own stack and stores the pointer in rbp (x86) or x19 (aarch64).

Kempe procedures do not require any registers to be preserved across function calls.

C Calls

When exporting to C with the cabi, kc generates code that initializes the Kempe data pointer (rbx). Thus, one should avoid calling into Kempe code with cabi too often!

Note that the Kempe data pointer is static, so calling different Kempe functions in different threads will fail unpredictably.

Kempe ABI

Sum types have a guaranteed representation so that they can be used from other languages.


type Param a b c
    { C a b b
    | D a b c

Kempe types always have the same size; a value constructed with C will occupy the same number of bytes on the stack as a value constructed with D.

So, for instance

mkD : Int8 Int Int8 -- (((Param Int8) Int) Int8)
    =: [ D ]

will pad the value with 7 bytes, as a (((Param Int8) Int) Int8) constructed with C would be 7 bytes bigger.


Splitmix Pseudorandom Number Generator

The generator in question comes from a recent paper.

Implementation turns out to be quite nice thanks to Kempe’s multiple return values:

; given a seed, return a random value and the new seed
next : Word -- Word Word
     =: [ 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15u +~ dup
          dup 30u >>~ xoru 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9u *~
          dup 27u >>~ xoru 0x94d049bb133111ebu *~
          dup 31u >>~ xoru

%foreign kabi next

Compare this C implementation:

#include <stdint.h>

// modified to have ""multiple return"" with destination-passing style
uint64_t next(uint64_t x, uint64_t* y) {
    uint64_t z = (x += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15);
    z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9;
    z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111eb;
    *y = x;
    return z ^ (z >> 31);


gcd : Int Int -- Int
    =: [ dup 0 =
         if( drop
           , dup dip(%) swap gcd )

Mutual Recursion

kc supports mutual recursion:

odd : Int -- Bool
    =: [ dup 0 =
            if( drop False
              , - 1 even )

even : Int -- Bool
     =: [ dup 0 =
            if( drop True
              , - 1 odd )