IdrisDoc: Prelude.File


writeFile : (filepath : String) -> (contents : String) -> IO (Either FileError ())

Write a string to a file

validFile : File -> IO Bool

Check whether a file handle is actually a null pointer

stdout : File

Standard output

stdin : File

Standard input

stderr : File

Standard output

readFile : (filepath : String) -> IO (Either FileError String)

Read the contents of a text file into a string
This checks the size of the file before beginning to read, and only
reads that many bytes, to ensure that it remains a total function if
the file is appended to while being read.
This only works reliably with text files, since it relies on null-terminated
strings internally.
Returns an error if filepath is not a normal file.

popen : String -> Mode -> IO (Either FileError File)
pclose : File -> IO ()
openFileX : (f : String) -> (m : Mode) -> IO (Either FileError File)

Open a file using C11 extended modes.


the filename


the mode; either Read, WriteTruncate, Append, ReadWrite, ReadWriteTruncate, or ReadAppend

openFile : (f : String) -> (m : Mode) -> IO (Either FileError File)

Open a file


the filename


the mode; either Read, WriteTruncate, Append, ReadWrite, ReadWriteTruncate, or ReadAppend

modeStr : Mode -> String
getFileError : IO FileError
fwrite : File -> String -> IO (Either FileError ())
fread : File -> IO (Either FileError String)
fpoll : File -> IO Bool
fopen : (f : String) -> (m : String) -> IO (Either FileError File)

Open a file


the filename


the mode as a String ("r", "w", or "r+")

fileSize : File -> IO (Either FileError Int)

Return the size of a File
Returns an error if the File is not an ordinary file (e.g. a directory)
Also note that this currently returns an Int, which may overflow if the
file is very big

fgetc : File -> IO (Either FileError Char)
fflush : File -> IO ()
ferror : File -> IO Bool
feof : File -> IO Bool

Check if a file handle has reached the end

fPutStrLn : File -> String -> IO (Either FileError ())
fPutStr : (h : File) -> (str : String) -> IO (Either FileError ())

Write a line to a file


a file handle which must be open for writing


the line to write to the file

fGetLine : (h : File) -> IO (Either FileError String)

Read a line from a file


a file handle which must be open for reading

fGetChars : (h : File) -> (len : Int) -> IO (Either FileError String)

Read up to a number of characters from a file


a file handle which must be open for reading

fEOF : File -> IO Bool

Check if a file handle has reached the end

closeFile : File -> IO ()
Write : Mode
data Mode : Type

Modes for opening files

Read : Mode
WriteTruncate : Mode
Append : Mode
ReadWrite : Mode
ReadWriteTruncate : Mode
ReadAppend : Mode
data FileError : Type

An error from a file operation

GenericFileError : Int -> FileError
FileReadError : FileError
FileWriteError : FileError
FileNotFound : FileError
PermissionDenied : FileError
data File : Type

A file handle

FHandle : (p : Ptr) -> File